Planetary Art Network Art Fitness PachaMama Agenda Adventure, Action
Art Adventure Pachamama healthy
Planetary Art Network Node Xochipilli: Adventure: Arte Sana Pachamama
http://xochipilli/artes- the-ecstasy-of-the-release-workshop-13-moons-and-20-fingers /
* Dates and venues:
* Dates and venues:
March: Leon, Vitoria
Workshops and Collective Action:
"Workshop 13 moons and 20 fingers Green Day Celebration, the day out of time, 25 and 26 July each year:
Music, Dance, Meditation, Chanting, Yoga Tour 13:20 ... the pozas.Baños in the river
Inipi, sauna of the seven directions "These are some Ecstasy Arts we use to liberate" + info
Workshop Audiovisual Creation Cyberesferica " Audiovisual Meditation, Ritual and Yoga Multimedia Cyberesferico.
Arte Sana The" Ritual Multimedia "," Meditation Studies, and "Yoga Cyberesferico" is a branched artistic creation "process Ivan creative Ugidos open called "Arte Sana Pachamama Adventure," exploring improvisation, intuition, inspiration for creating healthy. The starting point is the Yoga, Dance, Singing, Performance and the four pillars happenig that initiate the evolution integrating artistic resources and other healing arts and healthy ways, such as painting, kids games, poetry, storytelling, sculpture, massage, singing and displaying circles ...
NS1.23. Moon 9 days Silio 14, Galactic World-Bridger kin86
21h in NACC
Sunday 03/20/2011
13:20 Lecture: "Harmonic Convergence 2012"
For White Galactic Mirror, Ivan Ugidos
Planet Art Network Node Xochipilli
CCAN: Cultural Club and Friends of Nature, Website: http://www.ccan.eu/
Where is the NACC: http://www.ccan.eu/conocenos/donde-estamos
http://xochipilli .wordpress.com/2011/03/17 /
Thanks for the note, is what we need to flourish.