Monday, May 3, 2010

Sewn Hair Extensions Cost

13 Moon 20 fingers , Matavenero, El Bierzo, León __ NS1.22.11.13 kin 36: Present

Your cooperation in disclosing upcoming workshops on the lion and the Bierzo, and cooperate in the fruits of these meetings:

propose the moon cosmic adventure meeting of Art and Nature " organizing for peace action star Green Day 4. Presentation of the Node, Planetary Art Network: Rainbow Valley



Basic Workshop

13 Moon

in Matavenero

Nature Encounter on the magic of time and science rainbow which give a lively and practical workshop on sincronario of 13 moons and 28 days, deepening the "spell of sleep, surfing the ship still considered 2013.

Organizers: Planetary Art Network Xochipilli node.

Reception, Welcome:


Synchronous Luna 11, day 13, Kin 36, Yellow Planetary Warrior

. Gregorian Date:

14 May 2010 Arrive

planetary kin, the 2nd h



Home Workshop

Spectral Red Earth:

15.16 May 8 h

meditation. Breakfast 9 am 10 am first part. 13h 14h dream break, yoga and magical flight, 20 h

medicine songs

White Crystal Mirror

May 16

8 h meditation. 9HA. second breakfast 10h 14h kin cut open 16 hours and integration yoga mandala, 21



In Matavenero, El Bierzo, León,

how to reach: node/26


is an ecovillage in the mountains, the village has a bedroom and shared kitchen, camping and other facilities, Domo, rooms, bakery, shop, bar ... no beds in homes, warn to organize.

sleeping bag, mat ... warm clothes for the evening blank sheets, colored pencils (red, blue, yellow, green)
bath towel in the pool and blanket to be wrapped up in the night ... Food

the way ... instrument, music, laughter ... to share ...

have a nearby parking is accessed over track. There are two forms of access, one is a lovely walk from San facundo. We

a trip to the cascade of the Hoyas Poza for meditation,

We will contact the people on special days of celebration. Boat

voluntary educational material: 13 euros,

limited capacity Early registration by:

and information contact:

657 26 40 14
THEMES, in part:

The law of time: Science

    The synchronic order, the Matrix 13:20 Tzolkin and the frequency
  • The synchronometer of 13 Moons and 28 days for Peace
  • Planetary Holon, Stamps solar galactic tones.
  • The Power of 13 'Wave delighted. "
  • Galactic Signature, Oracle, 52-year path
  • natural mind meditation.

Planetarium Adventures of service.

    Dreamspell, the ship still considered 2013.
  • Telektonon: 4:7:7:13
  • A pace of Earth families, clans and celestial harmonics. Guidelines
  • Crew of the Galactic Synchronization

  • ecoladea photos:


send this call

White Galactic Mirror Red Crystal Moon I am another you

Essay on the Red Planet Art, Ugidos Ivan Martinez,:


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