Nature Boomerang
April 22 is celebrated every year in most of countries on Earth Day, its sponsor, U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson , established this day to create awareness to the problems of pollution , conservation of biodiversity and other environmental concerns to protect the Earth.
this day must become conscious of what we are doing to our planet, to recognize the problem and find its solution because it is likely that in a few years and we completely destroyed and think, we'll leave to future generations ?
I think there is some karma that life is like a boomerang, if you throw or give it just that we will come back and perhaps with greater force, now think ... is that nature is claiming and all the atrocities that have been made against it?, a product of all these climate changes are so strong that we are facing? as with all hurricanes, earthquakes and tsunamis that have been lately ?
I think the only answer to all these questions is summarized in a single fact: we malutilizando and destroying our nature and all this damage is being reversed as against us, all natural disasters are the result of the damage, many people die because of this, but as they say that we put in the shoes of others and directly face the tragedies, we understand what is happening.
sincerely hope we do not get this far, we can make something of this boomerang discover that it is upon us, no need to spend money on campaigns or tratrar to be the superman of the earth, the only thing you'll need a attitude of commitment to your environment and your planet, and this can be done easily from the comfort of your home or places you frequent, then a few tips: Recycling waste
Turn off lights that you are not
Make utlizando Review of your car, this for the smog
Place trash in its place
and more on next. Address:
only remains for me to say Happy Earth Day! hopefully reflect on this
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