Sunday, November 9, 2008

How To Make A Boat Float With Foil Pennies

exact margins FORA DO TEMPO - Yellow Cosmic Star -

artistic encounter to celebrate the Day Out of Time "Yellow Cosmic Star" in Nodar (Portugal) and inaugurate an artist residency there in town. Action, testing and experimentation inter-disciplinary Arts (Land art, Boody art, performance, happenig, action, sound ...) collective creation are games with elements of nature, through the living experience of sound, dance, trance, music, improvisation and live experimental art, which explores the ritual over time, the spiral and the loop ... Collective

timeless "Fora do tempo. . Made meandering river that passes by Nodar.

This film is an audiovisual creation (video art) on the footage in this action, sound and performance in nature.

Where there is art and culture, there is peace and harmony

Nodar in July 2006. (Tamara Rodriguez, Ivan Ugidos, Mirian Vega, Marta Alaimo, Alfredo Escapa, Noemi Fidalgo, Oblanca and Nilo Alfonso Gallego). More information /


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