Saturday, November 8, 2008

Retail Concession Agreemments

Ground (Audiovisual Yoga Multimedia) Creative Workshops

Yoga Meditation Multimedia
audiovisual, creative visualization to connect with the energy and collective information (Nucleo Cristal) of Mother Earth.
Through the visual language this work invites the imagination to develop a creative process of the internal display. Guided Imagery is a very old technique that leads us to explore consciousness. In this book, reading is an adaptation of texts Tibetan Yoga Exercise: The Inner Smile. "


Performance - video installation:

Audiovisual work of the "Artisan Pachamama:

" Yoga AudioVisual - Grounding "
audiovisual creation for a group of Yoga use the film as a meditation experience to synchronize the collective view.

The goal is for the viewer watching the screen, use your creativity in a process that unites the senses (synesthesia) and allows you to visualize complex geometric shapes and color.

born here then Multimedia Yoga, as creative and cinematic expression and enhanced by interactivity and multimedia network EXPANSION. We call this building "Meditation Audiovisual":
The results of the experiment opens a threshold galactic video arts creation, spiritual cinema and cyberesfera. Defining art as the Video 13: 20 of the next creations using math technology Mayan sacred geometry. The purpose is to use the technology to expand the awareness through the media. Audiovisual

Mandala Meditation

txt self-test on DVD ... Meditation
Audiovisual and Multimedia Rituals

The "visual meditation is a creative process working on the implementation of technology, language and visual communication as a tool for meditation and experimentally as an alternative therapy. These creations are originally used in the experimental meditation space "Yin Yoga" and open to the public in action "Media Rituals" event that combines collective meditation, installation and arts action (performance, happenig)
The research explores the media now, adapting the work "Ritual Multimedia DVD format to allow us to experience and start a new phase in the project: to create an interactive movie-based learning.
experiment with forms of audiovisual and multimedia technology to facilitate meditation and visualization. Investigate
unify ancient techniques with new technologies to create a visionary tool for mind.
evolve the visual language to the ancestral forms of yoga: mandalas, yantras, mantras, poetry, music and guided imagery to facilitate meditation through media resources.
In work of metaphysics and the sacred geometry that is playing with the universal life energy to open new uses for TV in favor of transpersonal growth and to meet the inner wisdom. Update
audiovisual language with archaic techniques of ecstasy and meditation to deepen the collective mind and to heal imbalances and blockages. Ivan

Ugidos (kin 138)


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