We have made this film with great art, to convey an extraordinary experience in the mythical encounter with Mother Earth: The Condor and the Eagle. Biodanza and Shamanism Andino. With this film we are continuing to create in order to convey the healing art offers us. It is the vision of open spaces for free time to the offering and communion with Mother Earth, go to the memory of our origin.
Planet Art Network, Xochipilli node in the Bioregion of Guerrero has this collective creation, in cooperation realidaza art. Result of the inspiration and synchronicity in our Crafts Adventure Pachamama. ..
Biodanza is a process of integration between body and mind through the music, movement and the spontaneous expression of all emotions. Shamanism is an ancient wisdom that is sensitive to the concerns of human beings to life and Mother Nature.
Biodanza and Shamanism Andino is a clear proposal, practice employment and educational and meeting Hemisphere: South America People of the Condor, represents the heart, intuition and spirit. And the people of the Eagle: North America, Europe, represents the brain, the rational mind and the material world. The union is harmony.
Carlos Orellana
info: www biodanzavitoria.com /
"Throughout history, human beings in search of its essence, is expressed in gestures and dances to awaken your identidad trascendente.”
“La danza es la expresión milenaria de nuestro Ser. Las múltiples formas y movimientos nos ayudan a expresar las emociones, potenciar la apertura del corazón y la conexión con el alma. Nuestro cuerpo se torna leve y luminoso, la mente se aquieta y florece el deseo de vivir”
Dra. Ercilia Orellana
Arte Sana Pachamama
La unión con la Madre Tierra es un arte desde el principio de la humanidad. Con propósito de la sanación planetaria integramos todas las artes en creaciones where our natural life is cooperating with the collective acts of love, peace and harmony.
The Art of healthy action is communion with our Universal Nature is expressed as energy and information that can change reality.
We express the view: the eighth art, all dedicated to creating arts to transform the world. If sound art unites science and spirituality in actions that manage to be creative collective Art of Ecstasy of Liberation.
The Art of healthy action is communion with our Universal Nature is expressed as energy and information that can change reality.
We express the view: the eighth art, all dedicated to creating arts to transform the world. If sound art unites science and spirituality in actions that manage to be creative collective Art of Ecstasy of Liberation.
Ugidos Ivan Martinez
+ info: www art-planetario.blogspot.com /
Audiovisual project "Art Heals"
FORA DO TEMPO - Yellow Cosmic Star -
Ground (Yoga Multimedia Audiovisual)
A thirteen: Squeezing an attack
Annex to the Bitacora 4D Xochipilli: Adventure Arte Sana Pachamama