Saturday, December 4, 2010

Free Hindi Tv Channels Frequencies

The Encounter of the Condor and the Eagle: Biodanza and Shamanism Andino. Audiovisual Performance "Craftsman Pachamama"

We have made this film with great art, to convey an extraordinary experience in the mythical encounter with Mother Earth: The Condor and the Eagle. Biodanza and Shamanism Andino. With this film we are continuing to create in order to convey the healing art offers us. It is the vision of open spaces for free time to the offering and communion with Mother Earth, go to the memory of our origin.

Planet Art Network, Xochipilli node in the Bioregion of Guerrero has this collective creation, in cooperation realidaza art. Result of the inspiration and synchronicity in our Crafts Adventure Pachamama. ..

Biodanza is a process of integration between body and mind through the music, movement and the spontaneous expression of all emotions. Shamanism is an ancient wisdom that is sensitive to the concerns of human beings to life and Mother Nature.

Biodanza and Shamanism Andino is a clear proposal, practice employment and educational and meeting Hemisphere: South America People of the Condor, represents the heart, intuition and spirit. And the people of the Eagle: North America, Europe, represents the brain, the rational mind and the material world. The union is harmony.

Carlos Orellana

info: www /

"Throughout history, human beings in search of its essence, is expressed in gestures and dances to awaken your identidad trascendente.”

“La danza es la expresión milenaria de nuestro Ser. Las múltiples formas y movimientos nos ayudan a expresar las emociones, potenciar la apertura del corazón y la conexión con el alma. Nuestro cuerpo se torna leve y luminoso, la mente se aquieta y florece el deseo de vivir”

Dra. Ercilia Orellana

Arte Sana Pachamama

La unión con la Madre Tierra es un arte desde el principio de la humanidad. Con propósito de la sanación planetaria integramos todas las artes en creaciones where our natural life is cooperating with the collective acts of love, peace and harmony.
The Art of healthy action is communion with our Universal Nature is expressed as energy and information that can change reality.
We express the view: the eighth art, all dedicated to creating arts to transform the world. If sound art unites science and spirituality in actions that manage to be creative collective Art of Ecstasy of Liberation.

Ugidos Ivan Martinez

+ info: www /

Audiovisual project "Art Heals"

Annex to the Bitacora 4D Xochipilli: Adventure Arte Sana Pachamama

Monday, August 30, 2010

Hugh Downs,clean Arteries

Audiovisual: Photomontage: Seed Flourishing Art: Traveling Art Adventure Magic Places

etznab8 Travel


Avalon on the island of apples to Rainbow Valley
A Flourishing Art Seed in the Rainbow Valley: Traveling
Magic Places
Art Caravan
The Meeting of Art and Nature
Workshop of the 13 moons and 20 fingers
Day Out of Time
The Art of Ecstasy
Tours, Exploration 4D, collectively Performance ...
Music, Dance, Meditation, Chanting by Mother Earth
Planetary Ascension Celebrating the Rainbow tribe are
Forests of Imagination
by the lake, across the shining moon reflecting in the water-clear
pure consciousness as the universal creative mind ...

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Grace Babylock Sewing Machine Prices

Ray Bradbury turns 90

The reason for this post is mostly to congratulate the great science fiction writer Ray Bradbury , which turned 90 years old this August 22. Perhaps many of you readers do not know who this man is or what he had to do with the series, I must say it had much to do. There are several chapters inspired his books as "The man obsolete" (inspired by his book Fahrenheit 451) or "I believe the Body Electric" (based on his novel of the same name).

Bradbury tells himself many years ago, a man named Rod Serling (creator, host and writer of most of the chapters in the twilight zone) was to look personally to help him writing a new series that was trying to create, but he had not the slightest idea how to write science fiction, he kindly gave him some books (of her own and others) and instructed him to write science fiction. It was one of the biggest influences in his style had Serling and thanks to him, the series became deeper reflection dyes, and it was remarkable the influence of Bradbury in the series to see chapters addressing topics such as mass hysteria The war, the deplorable human condition, society and modernity, all that with a touch of fantasy to cheat to censorship of the time. Thanks

Bradbury, probably without your input, Twilight would not be the same.

Video: Interview with Ray Bradbury about Rod Serling instructed to write science fiction (English)

Monday, August 16, 2010


Rise of the last chapter

Finally I uploaded Chapter 156 of the serial number (the number 36 on the fifth season) "Haunted Pool", this chapter was aired on June 19, 1964, was the last before they canceled the series. I do not know the official cause of the cancellation of the series, rumored to be due to the issuance of controversial chapters such as "The meeting" of the fifth season, and was also unhappy with the sponsors for either as it was, the series came to an end, and Rod Serling would later the series "Night Gallery" (which does not speak for the unaware).

As the channel has so far been a pretty exhausting work, carried more than 2 ½ years up chapters once a week, in many I missed out editing and repeated scenes or scenes were missing, many others have audio artifacts (what audio I can not solve at the moment), many others did not see or listen well enough, but I am restoring the same season already got, that is, all the chapters marked with HQ , are restored, they have better audio quality and sound, and no editing errors (except the audio is changed to English, to correct these need to get the original audio latino dubbed into English, which is very difficult to get)

Those who have damaged the audio, I'll add subtitles from the channel, but overall restoration is running very well, so we will have a channel that is at least a decent quality to play a series of this caliber. Now, this effort that began more than 2 ½ years as a simple experiment, finished forming a fairly large community of followers grows daily.

take to hereby thank all the people who made the canal, although channel, blog, facebook group and others has been the creation of a single person, would be nothing without the people who support him and not the people that helped make possible the realization, I'm just an intermediary in all this, as were many hands (besides mine) with which it was built and through which the channel is already a community of English-speaking fans around the world.

Special thanks to user "elzeta" without it there would be no canal as he provided most of the chapters, a user guachin100 I provided the captions for several chapters that were not bent, to isagon405 and Stanislaw who were the creators of some of the subtitles provided guachin100 me, users who helped me correct translations of the titles of the chapters, and in general people every weekend stayed pending the weekly uploaded ( which is already over, just because I've just uploaded the last chapter, other increases from this point will be restored), and all those who for some reason forgot to mention, thank you very much.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

The North Face Outlet In Austin

Welcome to the official blog channel in Youtube

Hi all, I wanted to create this space to publicly capture many aspects related to my channel and with the series, because I can not always say everything I have to say in a small space as a comment under 500 characters, I needed a space where they can contribute to more comprehensive reviews, complete sections which clarified many questions, among other things, in order to have a space. For now I do not have any design, I am too busy to make a good design for this blog, if anyone wants help with a design to this blog, please write to @ and be happy to assist you. Greetings to all fans of the Twilight Zone.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Lynzee Dawm Mackenzie

Sana Pachamama: Workshop Agenda and White Galactic Mirror


Planetary Art Network Art Fitness PachaMama Agenda Adventure, Action

Art Adventure Pachamama healthy

Planetary Art Network Node Xochipilli: Adventure: Arte Sana Pachamama
Workshop 13 moons, 20 fingers
Upcoming Events:
/ workshop-13-moons-and-2nd-finger / + Info on:
http://xochipilli/artes- the-ecstasy-of-the-release-workshop-13-moons-and-20-fingers /

* Dates and venues:
March: Leon, Vitoria
Workshops and Collective Action:

"Workshop 13 moons and 20 fingers
" Workshop: Liberation Art of Ecstasy "
"Meditation Workshop Teacher Plants"
"Workshop on Science cosmic
Contact and information: White Galactic Mirror:

Agenda: Agenda
PachaMama Xochipilli Arte Sana

Green Day Celebration, the day out of time, 25 and 26 July each year:
Music, Dance, Meditation, Chanting, Yoga Tour 13:20 ... the pozas.Baños in the river
Inipi, sauna of the seven directions "These are some Ecstasy Arts we use to liberate"

+ info 06/16/encuentro-del-arte-y-la-naturaleza-valle-arco-iris-dia-fuera-del-tiempo /

Workshop Audiovisual Creation Cyberesferica "
Audiovisual Meditation, Ritual and Yoga Multimedia Cyberesferico.
Pachamama Project
Arte Sana The" Ritual Multimedia "," Meditation Studies, and "Yoga Cyberesferico" is a branched artistic creation "process Ivan creative Ugidos open called "Arte Sana Pachamama Adventure," exploring improvisation, intuition, inspiration for creating healthy. The starting point is the Yoga, Dance, Singing, Performance and the four pillars happenig that initiate the evolution integrating artistic resources and other healing arts and healthy ways, such as painting, kids games, poetry, storytelling, sculpture, massage, singing and displaying circles ...

************ ********* FORTHCOMING ACTIONS

NS1.23. Moon 9 days Silio 14, Galactic World-Bridger kin86


21h in NACC


Sunday 03/20/2011

Action Performance

13:20 Lecture: "Harmonic Convergence 2012"

For White Galactic Mirror, Ivan Ugidos

Planet Art Network Node Xochipilli

C.C.A.N. (Club Cultural y Amigos de la Naturaleza de León)

CCAN: Cultural Club and Friends of Nature, Website:

Where is the NACC:

More info LINK:

The NACC Lecture: "Harmonic Convergence 2012," Performance 13:20, Leon (21h Sunday 03/20/2011)

http://xochipilli /

Thanks for the note, is what we need to flourish.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Where To Get Rid Of Old Boats



XOCHIPILLI, Planetary Art Network

Some Events

White Galactic Mirror:

*** * Presentation:

. Meeting

Art and Nature, from 22 to 4 August. The call of the Big Dipper. "With the nomadic caravan" nomadic seed. . html

* Talk: The Red Nomada.

networks: mutual support network of shelters, ecovillage network, Red "oasis of light," Planetary Art Network.

Link to the event: PLANTED ME :

*** K-

maleon, actions

Wednesday May 12 19:00

Musical Parade. Place: Plaza de Santo Martino
20:00 pm Performance and Dance "Mandala-Earth" by White Galactic Mirror . Place: Plaza de Santo

(link to agenda-program: )
Parade music and performance Free

journey from the square, we paint colors ... come to dance, bring instruments ... at the end of circular route,

Performance and dance: "Send her to the ground" Credits: White Galactic Mirror kin, yellow magnetic star, the "holy place martino": Bring your instrument, or clay, sticks, or stone, or are barefoot, free dance in mud ... ***

* Workshop 13 moons 20 fingers (intensive two days),

Waterfall Tour the Pools of the Hoyas,

Workshop meditation and chanting.

Spring Celebration in the ecovillage and poibueno Matavenero

See details:

/ Xochipilli: Workshop-13-moons-science-rainbow / ***

+ Red Planetary Moon White Spectral Dog,

27 and May 28
Projections, audiovisual performance, Albeitar patio, leon:

* Presentation: Fora do tempo.

Green Day ...

audiovisual performance ...



Shamans and Mystics

offer prayer to the seven galactic directions.

teach the magic of time: 13 moons of harmony of the "flower maya ...

We can open the Rainbow Sacred Circle of the Word,

Our paper is the call of the Rainbow prophecy: communicate the signal harmonic convergence of 2013, and cooperate with the galactic synchronization event 2013. We can start groups of Galactic Synchronization Crew (TSG) and meditation centers and activation CREST13 telepathy.

And with Congress de las culturas, seguimos soñando e imaginando!!!

Congreso de Culturas Ancestrales 2010.

Precolombina, nativas e iniciaticas


Arte Sana Pachamama:

Encuentros del arte en la Naturaleza: Celebración day out of time:

22 to 28 July.

Poibueno Matavenero and

Meeting of Music, songs and dances

    Meeting of circus, theater, performance and meeting
  • Happenig meditation, yoga
  • Ecovillage and crafts, and intercambion Trueke
  • seed Network Meeting
  • rainbow nomadic art planetarium: the common kitchen
  • Meeting of wizards and Magas
  • land of fairies and elves Meeting: Meeting
  • excursions alternative education and children's games

*** U.S.


White Galactic Mirror Red Crystal Moon

I am another you

Essay on the Red Planet Art,

Monday, May 3, 2010

Sewn Hair Extensions Cost

13 Moon 20 fingers , Matavenero, El Bierzo, León __ NS1.22.11.13 kin 36: Present

Your cooperation in disclosing upcoming workshops on the lion and the Bierzo, and cooperate in the fruits of these meetings:

propose the moon cosmic adventure meeting of Art and Nature " organizing for peace action star Green Day 4. Presentation of the Node, Planetary Art Network: Rainbow Valley



Basic Workshop

13 Moon

in Matavenero

Nature Encounter on the magic of time and science rainbow which give a lively and practical workshop on sincronario of 13 moons and 28 days, deepening the "spell of sleep, surfing the ship still considered 2013.

Organizers: Planetary Art Network Xochipilli node.

Reception, Welcome:


Synchronous Luna 11, day 13, Kin 36, Yellow Planetary Warrior

. Gregorian Date:

14 May 2010 Arrive

planetary kin, the 2nd h



Home Workshop

Spectral Red Earth:

15.16 May 8 h

meditation. Breakfast 9 am 10 am first part. 13h 14h dream break, yoga and magical flight, 20 h

medicine songs

White Crystal Mirror

May 16

8 h meditation. 9HA. second breakfast 10h 14h kin cut open 16 hours and integration yoga mandala, 21



In Matavenero, El Bierzo, León,

how to reach: node/26


is an ecovillage in the mountains, the village has a bedroom and shared kitchen, camping and other facilities, Domo, rooms, bakery, shop, bar ... no beds in homes, warn to organize.

sleeping bag, mat ... warm clothes for the evening blank sheets, colored pencils (red, blue, yellow, green)
bath towel in the pool and blanket to be wrapped up in the night ... Food

the way ... instrument, music, laughter ... to share ...

have a nearby parking is accessed over track. There are two forms of access, one is a lovely walk from San facundo. We

a trip to the cascade of the Hoyas Poza for meditation,

We will contact the people on special days of celebration. Boat

voluntary educational material: 13 euros,

limited capacity Early registration by:

and information contact:

657 26 40 14
THEMES, in part:

The law of time: Science

    The synchronic order, the Matrix 13:20 Tzolkin and the frequency
  • The synchronometer of 13 Moons and 28 days for Peace
  • Planetary Holon, Stamps solar galactic tones.
  • The Power of 13 'Wave delighted. "
  • Galactic Signature, Oracle, 52-year path
  • natural mind meditation.

Planetarium Adventures of service.

    Dreamspell, the ship still considered 2013.
  • Telektonon: 4:7:7:13
  • A pace of Earth families, clans and celestial harmonics. Guidelines
  • Crew of the Galactic Synchronization

  • ecoladea photos:


send this call

White Galactic Mirror Red Crystal Moon I am another you

Essay on the Red Planet Art, Ugidos Ivan Martinez,:

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Dark Brown Mucus Discharge But Not Pregnant

Workshops 13 Moon: Ambiguous NACC: Performance: Rainbow Science: Talk German Nantipia,


NS1.22.10.2 257 kin ambiguous in the NACC, Leon,

April 5:

Paper, the Amazon and Plant Teachers:

Germain Nantipia juepa

Talks exchange with the Amazon culture Performance

RED PLANET EARTH Planet Art Network:

workshop presentation

: Arco Science Iris: Presentation of the spring workshops and shares adventures


Science Galactic Rainbow Meditation

More Information

: Xochipilli Tribe:


entheogens in the Montes de León:

The Adventure of Planetary Healing Arts

The cultural exchange is a spiritual meeting Planetary Healing Circles, experience open to all humanity in the understanding, protection and expansion of the Natural Wisdom.

C onvivencia amorous cultural creative community of Peace and Love, in this circle of healing connects us to our original tribe, the ancestral power of humanity offers partnerships with nature, plants and Teachers we transmit the archaic techniques of ecstasy for the liberation of all beings.



Action: Communion entheogenic of Adventure " Arte Sana Pachamama" . Now invoke the Universal Memory and cooperate with the magic of love in the magnificent task of Healing the Earth and the regeneration of the biosphere, it is time emergency Rainbow and Planetary Ascension, to answer the call of Mother Earth.

Cultural Exchange with Shamanic


ACTIVITIES XI Exchange with Shamanic culture


Thursday, February 11, 2010

Diapers Lover With Several Layers

Leon Invitation to view web album White Galactic Mirror, sheets and coils Xochipilli

White Galactic Mirror has invited you to view a photo of your photo album: Prints and Rolls Xochipilli
sheets and coils
28/01 / 2010
White Galactic Mirror

drawings, sketches, wax, charcoal and fingers to express the meditations, through telepathic states of consciousness continues. Done in The Isle of Avalon, Hut del Manzano, transhumant Seed Temple art.
View Album Play

White Galactic Mirror Message:
embrace all people ... health and happiness