Thursday, November 13, 2008
Fotos De Los Pies De Paty Nsvidad
Dedicado al Curueño:
No a la Linea de alta tensíon Sama - Velilla : Alta traición a la montaña... La red electrica española, que les parta un rayo... no pasara arrasando valles, bosques y montes del cantábrico ¡¡¡¡ Descripción, comentarios, creditos.
Corto poetry, video art on the spiritual nature, documentary dealt with the "psychomagic of cinema" with the "expressive shamanism."
words of the authors:
"visual poetry that emphasizes the ways that nature sing, visual inspiration that lets the imagination of each generator is the creative, harmonious composer plays with archetypal language deep, which removes the inside, it invokes the memory. The magic of cinema art applied to expand consciousness.
work belongs to the project "Art heals Pachamama" - A series of works on meditation Audiovisual film language. Ivan Ugidos Project.
Tamara Rodriguez Alvarez, Antonio Buil, Ivan Ugidos.
For Documentary Film Workshop Albeitar University, Dominguez
by Chus The Red Cosmic Moon Ring -
Sunday, November 9, 2008
How To Make A Boat Float With Foil Pennies
timeless "Fora do tempo. . Made meandering river that passes by Nodar.
This film is an audiovisual creation (video art) on the footage in this action, sound and performance in nature.
Where there is art and culture, there is peace and harmony
Nodar in July 2006. (Tamara Rodriguez, Ivan Ugidos, Mirian Vega, Marta Alaimo, Alfredo Escapa, Noemi Fidalgo, Oblanca and Nilo Alfonso Gallego). More information /
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Retail Concession Agreemments
Yoga Meditation Multimedia
audiovisual, creative visualization to connect with the energy and collective information (Nucleo Cristal) of Mother Earth.
Through the visual language this work invites the imagination to develop a creative process of the internal display. Guided Imagery is a very old technique that leads us to explore consciousness. In this book, reading is an adaptation of texts Tibetan Yoga Exercise: The Inner Smile. "
Performance - video installation:
Audiovisual work of the "Artisan Pachamama:
" Yoga AudioVisual - Grounding "
audiovisual creation for a group of Yoga use the film as a meditation experience to synchronize the collective view.
The goal is for the viewer watching the screen, use your creativity in a process that unites the senses (synesthesia) and allows you to visualize complex geometric shapes and color.
born here then Multimedia Yoga, as creative and cinematic expression and enhanced by interactivity and multimedia network EXPANSION. We call this building "Meditation Audiovisual":
The results of the experiment opens a threshold galactic video arts creation, spiritual cinema and cyberesfera. Defining art as the Video 13: 20 of the next creations using math technology Mayan sacred geometry. The purpose is to use the technology to expand the awareness through the media. Audiovisual
Mandala Meditation
txt self-test on DVD ... Meditation
Audiovisual and Multimedia Rituals
The "visual meditation is a creative process working on the implementation of technology, language and visual communication as a tool for meditation and experimentally as an alternative therapy. These creations are originally used in the experimental meditation space "Yin Yoga" and open to the public in action "Media Rituals" event that combines collective meditation, installation and arts action (performance, happenig)
The research explores the media now, adapting the work "Ritual Multimedia DVD format to allow us to experience and start a new phase in the project: to create an interactive movie-based learning.
experiment with forms of audiovisual and multimedia technology to facilitate meditation and visualization. Investigate
unify ancient techniques with new technologies to create a visionary tool for mind.
evolve the visual language to the ancestral forms of yoga: mandalas, yantras, mantras, poetry, music and guided imagery to facilitate meditation through media resources.
In work of metaphysics and the sacred geometry that is playing with the universal life energy to open new uses for TV in favor of transpersonal growth and to meet the inner wisdom. Update
audiovisual language with archaic techniques of ecstasy and meditation to deepen the collective mind and to heal imbalances and blockages. Ivan
Ugidos (kin 138)
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Does A Cerival Polp Hurt Whwn Removed
"ART has enormous power to change the world. "
everyone's imagination, creative community, can let the world know how art unites and heals people, how art can transcend the boundaries of language and
all other barriers
have created our minds throughout history. Deconstructing
The limits imposed by the capitalist system
LOVE, PEACE, HARMONY in friendly action, Unified collective areas of cooperation, workshops to repair the world, to end the "spellbound"
WEB BLOG on "May 1" of the precarious Leon:
White Galactic Mirror (Ivan Ugidos) Action workshop focuses on a street which is a collective creation of all people targeted in the workshop, to cooperate on writing a script, marking guides for action items and characters.
Exploring the arts as ways to expand social consciousness and a Healing Ceremony Planetary Planetary Art Network, Node Xochipilli ... Aventura "Arte Sana Pachamama"
ONE OF MAYA: Action Popular in Leon
Audiovisual street action and Batukada Punk Pank in the manifestation of one of Maya. The Guerrilla Video workshop of one of Maya has done another more complete video with all the workshops and an improved version, we will share it soon ... This is an alternative to creation of Ivan Ugidos youtube ... :
A New Revolution through Art!
shares precarious l @ s @ s will continue in time, no matter the day of the year that is, connected through the sa @ Omnimedia Recovery Workshops of our minds and bodies, and giving will hike to watch that ...
Popular Struggle, the people united in action ...
Work done in collective creation workshops May One, Leon ...
VIDEO WORKSHOP-GUERRILLA. Videoactivism, guerrilla communication, editing, recording techniques ... WORKSHOP
About Us l @ s @ s precarious? We
l @ s invisible precarious and migrants, a universe (increasingly larger) @ s atypical worker, intermittent, unemployed, contract, intermittent, part-time without a contract. We produce much of the wealth of our cities, and yet suffer to make ends meet. We are
We rented, operated and fired at the discretion: jugglers in search of jobs and income, contortionists of flexibility. But ... WITH U.S. carefully s: because we are now agitating organizing strategies to share our struggles and creative mobile. Home demand, income, access to communication, culture, transport and health.
What do we mean by precariousness?
For precarious understand the creation (artificial and self-serving) defective and lack of social protection based on flexible and mobile exploitation of the new composition of labor. Precarious means for us the continuing fragility and uncertainty of our income, our work and residence.
The Casualisation is an attack on the autonomy of our life project. The daily fear and insecurity about the future uncertain, which affects our bodies and minds. The main obstacle to our desire to govern our life, or living under the simple principle cooperate, create and decide what we want. The new forms of exploitation and the new model of precarious work require a different analysis of the relations of production and actively seeking new opportunities and forms of intervention and autonomy.
The commodification extends through all aspects of our lives. The flexible production model tends to appropriate the social and relational patterns of care, affection, creativity, communication, turning the city into a huge factory that exploits social cooperation. However, we @ s migrant poor are not benefiting from all this social wealth we produce. Go we are penniless!
What is the Mayday 2006?
Mayday, is an event that is re-inventing and give it a radically new to the party on 1 May. It started in Milan and last year 10 thousand people congregated in Barcelona and 120 000 in Milan. The Euromayday 2005 was celebrated with simultaneous actions and demonstrations in more than a dozen European cities, Milan, Helsinki, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bHamburg, London, Amsterdam, Liege, Vienna, Seville, Paris, Berlin, Copehenagen. The Mayday is a process, a network that allows us to connect, communicate and enhance our struggles. An open and collective experience to build a new European political leadership of precariousness. Why
Mayday in a Lion?
intend the May 1 l @ s @ s precarious open a meeting and recombination between them and the poor, l @ s immigrants, social movements and trade unionism and militant base.
A space to try to think and create forms of assistance and most powerful organization against the precariousness of existence. A place where new social rights require appropriate to our condition as precarious @ s.
What will happen on 1 May?
The Mayday is a collective act and workshops connected with actions, and decentralized to bring together different groups, networks and people of the rebel movements of our city. On May 1 all actions converge into a great mani-fiesta-action Mr. Gutierrez's Square from 2 pm. We invite everyone to participate sa, here is the program of activities.
Here they are, these are, Precarious s in action!
The Valley
Verguanza This Audiovisual displays moments of Action Performance ( Artivism: Activist Art) held in León (2005), Performance: Shame fence, against the new fence that stands in Africa border. Soon will upload an edited movie and best quality.
Demonstration against Melilla fence and all boundaries and forms of repression against the people ... Artivism, performance, poetry, music ... Much popular art of expression ... a collective ... Street action, role-play, expressive art anti-global ... activism against the World Bank, and multinational corporations false borders and repressive ... Somos Un Pueblo Revolution in the street ... Leon 2005 anti-capitalist movement
Monday, July 7, 2008
Staff Infection From Waxing
This page is dedicated to one of 13 performance made in the NACC for the small workshop Spontaneous Nadas.
Report "Work in Progress":
Audiovisual Creation (Video Art) on this action:
Instalación "Bola de Sangre y Cascotes"
A la Bola de escombros y basura se le añade el corazón y visceras de un cerdo asesinado en los mataderos de león, esta "bola de sangre y cascotes" cuelga del techo de las escaleras que suben al Ambigu del CCAN. Hay una soga que cae por el hueco empapada con sangre, abajo las paredes empapeladas con periódicos y en el suelo un monton de arcilla que se mezcla con la sangre que gotea.
Creditos: Evaristo Fuertes, Ivan Ugidos, Nilo Gallego y el Taller de Pequeñas Nadas.
Origins (and links):
small spontaneous Nadas Workshop.
Coordinator: Nilo Gallego
13 performances in NACC.
Trash Ball (Performance in Nature): - Video creation on the action: = jh9FQWT ...
multidisciplinary art
Performance - Sculpture - Installation - Conservation Action - video art.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Interview Following Up Email
Yantra - Mandala Yantra
The Yantra typically consists of a square edge that includes circles, lotus petals, triangles and a central point known as root-bindu, representing the creative matrix of the universe and the gateway to the transcendental Reality.
The Yantra provides a focal point that is a window to all. The idea is to make the Yantra as real, internally and externally, that comes to life. In this way, completely absorbed the attention of the yogi to such an extent you can not tell if the Yantra is within or is the practitioner who enters into the Yantra. If
mandala is successful, this exercise will catapult the practitioner (sadhaka) to pure consciousness, beyond the distinction between subject and object. Yantra
Some rituals are also used therapeutically. In addition, you can create specific yantras for a disease or a particular person as an amulet that holds magic cures. In any case, the effectiveness of the Yantra will depend on the quality of concentration and visualization of the follower, in addition to his mastery of subtle energies.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Note For Engagement Congratulations
I think most people always tend to say: I love you with all my heart and I really do not hear anything bad because we're used to that. Let's see I get down to business ... One day someone asked me: Is it true that love is in the heart? What love with your heart? and I obviously hesitated and that created in my thorn, then investigate that bodies were connected or charged with the feeling of love and the only answer I got is that it is the BRAIN
So many of us cheat when it amamoscon DECMA heart, the truth is that the merit it must carry the brain is responsible for all the feelings associated with love ... I will put links below scientifically explain this .... I hope you have enjoyed this curious fact
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Bergeroil Colour Chart
April 22 is celebrated every year in most of countries on Earth Day, its sponsor, U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson , established this day to create awareness to the problems of pollution , conservation of biodiversity and other environmental concerns to protect the Earth.
this day must become conscious of what we are doing to our planet, to recognize the problem and find its solution because it is likely that in a few years and we completely destroyed and think, we'll leave to future generations ?
I think there is some karma that life is like a boomerang, if you throw or give it just that we will come back and perhaps with greater force, now think ... is that nature is claiming and all the atrocities that have been made against it?, a product of all these climate changes are so strong that we are facing? as with all hurricanes, earthquakes and tsunamis that have been lately ?
I think the only answer to all these questions is summarized in a single fact: we malutilizando and destroying our nature and all this damage is being reversed as against us, all natural disasters are the result of the damage, many people die because of this, but as they say that we put in the shoes of others and directly face the tragedies, we understand what is happening.
sincerely hope we do not get this far, we can make something of this boomerang discover that it is upon us, no need to spend money on campaigns or tratrar to be the superman of the earth, the only thing you'll need a attitude of commitment to your environment and your planet, and this can be done easily from the comfort of your home or places you frequent, then a few tips: Recycling waste
Turn off lights that you are not
Make utlizando Review of your car, this for the smog
Place trash in its place
and more on next. Address:
only remains for me to say Happy Earth Day! hopefully reflect on this
Pedestal Sink Hide Plumbing
I imagine the head man and thought how cool the anger and lack of self-caused and felt so bad I ended up committing suicide.
I do not say that precisely this will happen in everyone's life, but just when things are done in anger and without thinking will regrettable consequences later.
Note: The letter "i" in the third paragraph is the link if they want to know more about this story ......
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Nike Monster Baseball
The case of the pregnant man is a little surprising, is further proof that everything can be in this life and never really we will fail to impress on all that happens, that today you see many amazing things. This
's new daily link are some elements that will help you better understand this event.
And the video is very good, I hope you can charge for that check!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
are going ....
"Who said this?
To me what are the trucks burst me.
never could study law.
The Hunchback of Notre Dame.
I have nerves of steel.
Robocop. Finally
The hermit.
It strikes me people who do not show his face.
How beautiful is humanity.
A cannibal.
lift up the fallen and oppress the greats.
A bra. Give me back my coat
Ozone. Let's be
A dermatologist. I'll get
International Monetary Fund.
tomorrow if I want.
not to stop.
A heart.
If something pisses me off are the pins.
A Balloon. My father is
an old, green tail.
Pole Barn Building Plans
This is an Austrian-German poem by Erich Fried, is beautiful and tells a little about what love is. The poem is in German but I take the trouble to translate it so they can understand, I'll put the German version and then obviously the one in English, although small hope you like it and enjoy it, because remember the essence does not come in barrels.
SO IS crazy
reason is what is says
love is a disgrace says
is nothing but pain says
fear is useless says
knowledge is what is says love
is ridiculous says pride
is even dangerous
wisdom says is impossible
experience is what is says love
Was es ist
Unsinn Es ist sagt
It is what it is
says love
It is unfortunate
says the calculation
It is nothing but pain
says the fear
It is hopeless
says the insight
It is what it is
says love
It is ridiculous
says the pride
It is reckless
sagt die Vorsicht
Es ist sagt die Erfahrung
is ist was es ist sagt
die Liebe
I decided to choose this poem because once in German classes taught me and is so pleased with that so I'm going to recite in class A literature. I propose to take no more than a few minutes to analyze and to take advantage.
who expects a poem that his salvation should learn better to read poetry, who does not expect any salvation from a poem that should better learn to read poems.
Erich Fried
Sunday, April 6, 2008
How Can I Play Pokemon Online Mac
title "Visual Music Send them Photonics" series
movies recorded using the video installation and edited on DVD: Maya Cosmic
2 h The path of silence 2 h
Work of the project "Audiovisual Synestesia"
Synchronized Audiovisual Installation "Visual Music photonics." Audiovisual Installation
generating fractal mandalas and animated images synchronized with the music in real time.
"Yoga Multimedia
The installation application synchronized in different spaces and scenes: Performances sound and musical actions, events with groups of yoga practices, meditation, the initial objective of the project.
Fragments and Courts:
+ Movie Part of the Cosmic Maya
(Music Visual Photonics:
"Maya Cosmic ) com / videoplay? docid = 6971846063513560384
+ Mandala Light and Color
Music Visual Photonics: "Maya Cosmic)
+ Trance Audio Synesthesia of vision
Visual Photonics Music fragment: "Maya Cosmic)
Yoga Meditation" audiovisual collective "
color, shapes hypnotic, sacred geometry and music specially chosen live, come together in this multimedia installation to encourage our senses synesthesia. Unify our senses in balance.
The music is synchronized with light and color video that is projected (as a blend photonic), sacred geometry, color and motion fractal, math radiosonic of the fourth temporal dimension, which are synchronized with music. Movie
created to assist in meditation and healing processes and Holotropic therapy and transpersonal psychology.
Geometry color, fractal nature, the rate has remained constant. Reflect the creative process of nature, the mind of life. Fractals in time.
The reality of color and geometry is mental, is manifested in the experience of meditation given by the media, technological and computer programming. Balancing the hemispheres and connecting with the flow of colors and interior life forms, an endogenous process of natural synesthesia. An effect produced is Seeing with closed eyes color leads to the integral whole of spiritual truth: The color you paint the reality of the senses is present within us.
pd-quality Internet video and DVD do not allow the image quality of the installation Audiovisual synchronized, which acts at speeds over 400 frames per second. The DVD optienen optimal viewing quality, compression and internet make perteder the synesthetic effect, although you can see the mandala. It now remains to try the HD quality ...
Project Work: Visual Music
photonics. (Video installation that generates visual sincronicazada mandalas and fractals. Video Installation Audio Video sync in performances: "Yoga Multimedia" (Action invites meditation groups Collective) Film Series
recorded on the video installation: Cosmic Maya.
and edit Court: "Trance of the Audiovison synesthetic" For the performance "Yoga Multimedia on the Web"
Kin 138 White Galactic Mirror.
from the book Sana art project Pachamama - ivan Ugidos
Page updated on: Send them
Visual Photonics
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Cute Ways To Ask A Guy To The Dance With Candy
seems that everyone comes and goes, each one immersed in his own self, just watching what goes around, suffering the ravages of these problems but no stop to fix them, so we act in a passive rather than active, as if we were immune to everything that happens in our country, where we live.
As if not enough already, we destroying the environment in which we live, are other problems that leave us with open mouth! EYE! I say this not only as metaphor but also as a sad and true reality, corruption is starving our people.
One of the best known cases was that of former President Arnoldo Aleman who stole more than 22 million during his term in office and that is really striking and is free of such great guilt, good too if you look at the latest news, another big scam was uncovered, the theft of CENIS by Eduardo Montealegre and those are just some examples of which we all realize there are many more, perhaps less obvious, because they do not make large but there are officials and harm us, have to say about corruption within the National Police?, bribes are increasingly demanding that a driver commits a violation, the removed? I think about 50 to 300 córdobas depending on the case, the truth is depressing but that happens Slovak.
Then I'll put some links for if you want the review, there is more data about the numbers of German and theft scam Montealegre.
http://www.radiolaprimerisima. com/noticias/23619
Friday, March 28, 2008
Ariana Jollee Retired?
Here are some facts Xolotlan cleaning up the lake to give you an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is happening and or difficult it is to its reorganization ... the best thing was not to defile it then do not spend millions, eye these millions out of the pocket of the people and for what? decontamination because what we have fouled and destroyed a lot!
Clean water is a long and expensive process, but pays off in the medium term. Solid waste generated per person in Managua correspond to 0.70 kg per day in other cities the figure is 0.52 kg per capita, and rural areas is 0.14 kgs. Marena
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Making Auxiliary Input On Boombox
That depressing look into that place we are, it would be good for us to excel in something worthy of recognition ... but this should give us ... shame
N º.
City Country
Mexico, DF Mexico
Santiago de Chile Chile
Bogota Colombia
Guatemala City Guatemala 5
Sao Paulo Brazil
Medellin Colombia 7
Managua Nicaragua
Rio de Janeiro Brazil
Guadalajara Mexico
La Paz Bolivia
Retrieved from "http : / / / wiki / List Ciudades_con_mayor_% C3% ADndice_de_contaminaci% C3% B3n_atmosf% C3% A9rica_en_Latinoam% C3% A9rica "
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Where Can I Find A Green Power Ranger Belt Buckle
begin to analyze this problem, start from our community, think of how many illegal dumps are near our house, how many trees or burning of garbage and pollution affect our environment, now in a more general level how many resorts are closing pollution, how many rivers and lakes are partly or completely flooded with wastes but not only is the pollution of groundwater and land resources, but also the air we breathe that fills increasingly more toxic smog from smoke and no land transport be said most of the heat that is felt more strongly each year this because we are destroying the natural sources of air and water, our forests are being cut down without mercy for marketing, it is true that affects not be cut from time to time a plant or tree but one by one will make millions, it is believed that such a tree you must plant at least three others and unfortunately that is something that almost no one is doing.
If I can I will include you in the blog news links in which it is clear this situation, lakes and rivers polluted. We must be very careful with this because if we do something tomorrow will be a place unlivable for the next generations. Think we want for our families, children or relatives to come, reflect on what place we leave a healthy environment or a contaminated almost impossible to live ....
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
How Does Iron Board Lever Work?
Workshop structure
Phase 1: The expressiveness of voice and body. 2nd Phase: sensory amplification. 3rd stage: real-time processing of sound.
Step 4: Developing an art project and final sample.
cooperation between:
1. Irene Alonso Sanabria
2. Sara Alvarez
3. Sofía Álvarez González
4. Raquel Fernandez
miser 5. Rosa Maria Blanco del Campo
6. David Crespo Varela
7. Veronica Garcia Cubero
8. Lucia Fiordelmondo
9. Francisco Martinez Noelia
10. Nilo Gallego
11. Teresa San Emeterio Garcia
12. Julia González Liébana
13. Elena Iglesias Fernandez
14. Giulia Maria Paderi
15. Pascual Jorge Blanco
16. Ayala Perez Echebarri
17. Tamara Rodríguez Álvarez
18. Clara Suárez Acosta
19. Ivan Martinez
Ugidos 20. Laura Valderrey Lera
21. Valle Florez Enriqueta
22. Paula Villegas Manuela Barile incapié
Researcher of vocal technique and interdisciplinary performer, has explored the expressive potential of her voice to develop personal vocal technique. His current work focuses on combining vowel sound with different media, video, photography, installation, performance, painting and writing. Rui Costa
Sound artist. All his work has focused on the interaction of new technologies and the expressive possibilities of sound. Among his current interests are the promotion of exploration and research in the field of art audio / visual experiment, with special emphasis on the cross-media and languages \u200b\u200band the relationship between artistic production and the surrounding context.
Credits: Binaural Association
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Watch The Hypnotized Korean Movie Online
Audiovisual Performance Video Creating an improvisation with the goal of a video installation for the concert of instruments invented in the workshop of action sound "blow your snot" collective action coordinated by Nilo Gallego Musac (Museum of Art curator, Leon, Spain).
Description of the action.
"Concert in the cutting of computer circuitry,"
This book "Journey in Time" video - projected on the wall of a gutted kitchen while computers and a "traditional meat grinder" of sausage made with chunks of circuits, motherboards, microprocessors ... The instruments in this action are the sound "self-powered cutting room" by electromagnetic coils and the useful work tools: knives, sharpening stone, curling amplified, saws, cutting board, lime of 8, screwdriver, anvil chopper ... Invented Instruments to these improvised tracks were interpreted as
sonata Welcome to the post-history ". Project "Fluxus, performance, video sound installation"
exposed in the open day to the public by Ivan Varis Ugidos and Strong in October 2006. "Fluxus art-amusement must be simple, fun and unpretentious, treat superficial topics, without needing to know special techniques or perform many tests and not aspire to any kind of commercial or institutional"
George Maciunas ) blow your snot (sound art workshop)
The first month will consider an approach to sound art in its different forms of expression
: Actions noise, experimental music, soundscape, sound poetry, experimental radio, sound installations, etc.
The second month the participants will
sound your own project. All projects will be presented to the public in a
The workshop will be led by Nilo Gallego
with Marne as a sound technician.
This workshop is open to anyone who can blow their noses.