Thursday, April 28, 2011

Watch Ikusa Otome Valkyrie Uncensoredonline

Visual Photonics

Synchronized Audiovisual Installation

title "Visual Music Send them Photonics" series
movies recorded using the video installation and edited on DVD:
Cosmic Maya 2 h
The way of MUTE 2 h

Origins :

Work of the project "Audiovisual Synestesia"

Synchronized Audiovisual Installation "Visual Music photonics." Audiovisual Installation
generating fractal mandalas and animated images synchronized with the music in real time.

"Yoga Multimedia
The synchronized application of the installation in different spaces and scenes: Performances sound and musical actions, events with groups of yoga practices, meditation, the initial objective of the project.

Fragments and Courts:

Music Visual Photonics:

Mandala Electronic Audio Synchronized

+ First Part of the movie "Cosmic Maya"

  • (Music Visual Photonics: "Maya Cosmic )
  • (From Music Visual Photonics: "Maya Cosmic):

+ Trance Audio Synesthesia of vision

  • ( Piece of Music Visual Photonics: "Maya Cosmic)

"Visual Music Send them Photonics"

original description of the project:

geometry, color, fractal nature, and the proportion that remains constant, numbers, math, geometry that reflect the creative process of nature and the universe.

audiovisual Induce trance is decided by the observer, if you decide to cooperate with its focus on the mandala provides vibration and color, movement and action that leads us to an extraordinary state of consciousness, cerebral hemispheres lso balanced by changing geometric patterns in sync with playing sound and stimulating to the senses sight and hearing.

is ultimately a meditation experience provided by the media, computing and technology. Balancing the hemispheres and connecting with the flow of vivid colors and shapes inside (endogenous). The vision with closed eyes color leads to the integral whole of spiritual truth. The color you paint the reality of the senses is present within us.


released on DVD "Visual Music Send them Photonics"

Titles: Maya Cosmic

1:44 pm
The Way of Silence 1:14 pm

Project Synestesia. " series of movies recorded by using the
Synchronized Audiovisual Installation "Music Visual Photonics" generated images, animated fractal geometry in music in real time. Projecting light and color, sound landscapes, mandalas in motion. PHI, the golden ratio, numbers, mathematics, reflecting the creative process of nature and the universe. Synopsis

"Project Synestesia"

A meditation experience provided by the media and information: Balancing the hemispheres and connecting with the flow of vivid colors and shapes inside (endogenous). The rear vision with closed eyes color and geometry leads to the integral whole of a spiritual truth: The color you paint the reality of the senses is present within us. Conceptual Overview

audiovisual Induce trance is decided by the observer, if you decide to cooperate with its focus on the mandala, it interacts with the vibration and color, movement and action that leads us to an extraordinary state of consciousness, cerebral hemispheres balanced thanks to the changing natural and geometric patterns in sync with the sound and play stimulating to the senses, sight and hearing.

Original Source: Visual Music

Synchronized Audiovisual Installation Arte Sana
Pachamama Project - Kin 138 White Galactic Mirror. Ugidos ivan. **************

recent uploads images


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